Manav Shergill

Full-stack Software Engineer | Blockchain enthusiast



Hi, my name is Manavjeet Shergill and I am Full-Stack Software Engineer at a startup called Lobby. I have a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end development, as well as a passion for problem-solving and continually learning and improving my skills. I have experience working with a variety of programming languages, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, React, and NodeJS. I have a track record of developing and deploying multiple web applications from start to finish. With my strong communication skills and ability to work effectively in team environments, I am confident in my ability to contribute to and thrive in any development project.


My experience with technical jobs
  • Lobby

    Full-stack Software Engineer

    I worked as a full stack developer, using technologies such as TypeScript, NextJS, NodeJS, React, PostgreSQL, and GraphQL to develop revenue-earning products from start to finish. I am proud of the achievements I made at this company, including getting our first dollar of revenue from a product that I helped build and solving an important bug that was hindering our ability to earn fees. My experience at Lobby allowed me to hone my skills in full stack development and make meaningful contributions to the success of the company.

    I gained experience with the following tools/technologies:

    • TypeScript
    • NextJS
    • NodeJS
    • React
    • GraphQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • TailwindCSS
    • Microservice Architecture

  • Mojio Inc

    Full-stack Software Co-op

    During my co-op at Mojio, I led a team of 2 frontend engineers to develop an internal tool that aimed to solve multiple customer support needs, such as viewing vehicle compatibility, order lookup, and displaying detailed order information. I was able to deliver and develop the internal tool in under 1.5 months, and also contributed to design and backend meetings for the project. In addition, I was responsible for communicating meeting information to stakeholders and adding a security layer to the internal tool using OKTA for authorization and JWT for authentication. This co-op opportunity allowed me to gain valuable experience in team leadership and full stack development, as well as demonstrate my ability to deliver high-quality solutions under tight timelines.

    I gained experience with the following tools/technologies:

    • AngularJS
    • React
    • NodeJS
    • REST APIs

  • Ocean Networks Canada

    Software Developer Co-op

    This was my first Coop as a software engineering student. For most part of my workterm i used selenium to create automated tests for the different web pages. However, in the start i did some unit and integration testing. 3 months into the workterm i was given a React task. The task was to adjust and add different columns to the newly developing web page. During my last month, i was put in charge of the Jenkins build to check if any unexpected classes failed. If they did it was my duty to fix them.

    I gained experience with the following tools/technologies:

    • Selenium
    • Jira
    • Jenkins
    • React
    • Git version control

  • Gabriel Ross

    IT Co-op

    My second co-op work term at Gabriel Ross Inc involved me doing various tasks throughout the day. My day would usually start with refactoring of php files to use Magento 2 unless a bug came up. I also created a web page with search functionality that displayed the bestselling products in the company. Moreover, i created a seperate web page for bestselling products in their own group to see which group had the bestsellers. I also used SQL queries to scan through data and join tables to get wanted results.

    I gained experience with the following tools/technologies:

    • PHP
    • Magento
    • SQL
    • JQuery

  • Terraformers (Land trading NFT crypto game)


    Terraformes is a crypto game which i decied to do freelance work for in my december holidays. I developed the webapp which allows users to view their inventory, mine and claim lands, and unpack page for unboxing any packs. All of these features were designed by having user priorities in mind. The webapp calls the wax blockchain's smart contracts whenever a user decides to claim or unpack a land. Moreover, i also integrated the wax cloud wallets and anchor wallet capabilities which allows for secure login and easy access of a user's assests.

    I gained experience with the following tools/technologies:

    • React
    • Wax blockchain
    • Wax smart contracts
    • HTML and CSS


Personal projects i worked on to improve my technical skills
TypeScript Project


This project was made for UVIC student so they don't struggle with timetable building for UVIC courses. Current UVIC timetable builder is hard to navigate around and often doesn't show useful information. CourseUP involved a team of developers from VikeLabs (Software club at UVIC) where we all collaborated to work on the app. The feature i ended up creating were the bookmark ,filtering of courses, and a sidebar. This project relied on the UVIC scraper project (listed below in project section) because we needed to scrape the data off of UVIC website to then use it on the web app.

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Java Project

Tic Tac Toe game

This was one of my first personal projects with Java. In this project, I create a tic tac toe game to be played by 2 people alternating turns in the terminal. This project led to me familiarizing myself with the objected oriented programming. I also learned about taking the user input through the terminal which was done using the Scanner class.

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React Project

Search for Anything

In this project i use React to make calls to the Unsplash API which returns me the top 5 pictures associated with the keyword that was entered. Unsplash is a website which allows users to get stock free photos. I wanted to learn how to make calls to an API, so i decided to implement this project. I learned what the response looks like from an API and how to parse it and then later display it on the page. Some CSS3 was used to make the webpage look appealing.

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React Project

Hangman Game

In this project i used React to make a Hangman game. This project was made to practice about keeping the "State" in React and also resetting state. The resetting of state would happen if the user has won or lost the game. I implemented the buttons "Play again" or "Reset" which would reset the state once they were clicked.

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Programming Languages

List of programming languages that I am competent with.













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